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Which Service Would You Like?

One Step At A Time

Please select a service you would like more information on.
Podiatry has one of the most varied scopes of the medical professions, and we enjoy them all. While many Podiatrist may specialise, we niche in feet and specialise in you. We aim to provide results-oriented, consistent and thorough care in an enjoyable and friendly setting.


Nail and Skin care

Trimming, filing, debulking, cleaning, callus, corns, warts and more


Orthoses and Innersoles

One Size Does Not Fit All, so what is best for your feet? Take a look at where your feet are and where they should be.


Specialised Assessments

A health check of your blood supply, your nerves, skin and movement. This can then be checked for changes over time.


Nail Surgery

When in Doubt, Chop it Out.
Performed onsite.


Specialised Pain Treatment

Don't be scared. This won't hurt a bit...
Considering Laser, Ultrasound, Massage, Strapping


Injection Therapy

It will sting, but only for a moment, then... nothing.

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